College Town City Girls Takes College (Round 1)
Hey everyone!! As some of you may already know, I started college classes at Penn State yesterday! I'm sure you're thinking: "How can she be starting college when she hasn't even graduated high school yet....?" and there is a very simple answer to that question. Throughout this year, my senior year of high school, I'm taking college classes at Penn State University Park in State College, where I live. This Spring, I was accepted as a non-degree or "dual enrollment" student and that just means that I'm able to take classes at Penn State and they'll count towards my college credits in the future but I'm not taking the classes in order to earn a degree.
This Fall, I'm taking Astronomy 006, Section 001 "Stars and Galaxies & the Universe" which is a science General Education (Gen Ed) class. It's a pretty far stretch from the Communications Major that I hope to be able to obtain and just as far away from the Spanish and Marketing minors I hope to get as well. I'm also not really the science-y type but I hope to walk away from this class mid-December with a much better understanding of the sky and all of it's stars and planets and galaxies and constellations get the point, however I could go on forever, since Space is infinite ;)
That's all for today, but expect more posts as we make our way into the Fall season! Good luck to anyone starting college or high school in the coming weeks, make this school year yours!!
As always, feel free to shoot me a follow on my personal Instagram (@abbyfortin) and my blog Instagram (@collegetowncitygirl) and make sure to subscribe to for the latest posts and fun!
xoxo, Abby
P.S. Here are some photos from my first day!! :)

The trek from my front door to my car is just the beginning of how I get to class. First I have to drive from my house to the Commuter parking lot, where I have to park since I don't live on campus. Next I take the CATA Bus, which is the bus system is State College, from the Bryce Jordan Center (where I park my car) to the bus stop at the Palmer Museum of Art. Then it's just a short walk from there to the Forum Building where my class is held!

Posing all too casually with my new pink Nalgene water bottle and Lilly Pulitzer agenda while opening my car door

And last but certainly not least, posing once again with my water bottle and agenda along with my new North Face backpack! I posted this on Insta (@collegetowncitygirl) yesterday, ICYMI :)